Jun 30, 2023
The Computer Shopper Episode: A Small Billing Situation,
Computer Shopper's Unique Place, The Listings and the Ads, A Happy
Life, The Decline and Loss, A Reminder and an Opportunity, Coming
Together, Debinding, The First and the Last Scan.
A little bit about the comes-out-of-nowhere Computer
Shopper scanning project...
Jun 26, 2023
The Strike Manual Episode: The Mother of All Manuals.
The Assignment. How Many Broom Strokes. Friends of Friends. The
Honored Transcription. After-School Activities. Two Weeks Later. A
Moment to Make Things Right.
A tale told out of school of the best typing
assignment I never completed.
Jun 23, 2023
The Momentary Fall And Empire of Paper Episode: A Sudden
End For a Phone, Bits of Paper, The Units of Communication,
Unexpected Archives, The Wonder of That Which Remains, Digitization
and Gatekeeping, Glory and Wonder, A Catalyst or a Threat, The Joys
of Every Day.
A small reverie on the aspects of digitization and...
Jun 19, 2023
The Cassette Digitizer Episode: Building a Tascam 122 Mk
III, The Era of Cassettes, Previous Attempts, Why Cassettes Are
Important, My Audio Era Before the Video One, Where The Process Is,
The Future Paths, The Joy Of The Cassette Pile.
I am finally moving on to digitizing audio cassettes
at high quality! Here's some...
Jun 16, 2023
The Space Rogue Episode: A Respectful Trip, A Book
Reading, The Works BBS, A Ferret in Massachusetts, Gatherings to
Gatherings, The L0pht, Seedlings to Guarding, The Digital Lifeline,
The Story of the L0pht and of Space Rogue, Why The Book is Needed,
A Joyful Noise, A Family's Witness.
My pal Space Rogue wrote a book...