May 29, 2023
The Ramifications Episode.
A lot of speculation and consideration of the ramifications of
algorithmic intensity and synthetic media from someone who has been
thinking about the Blorb for a very long time.
Listened best without headphones.
May 26, 2023
The BIG CHUNGUS Episode: A Lucky Smart Situation, The Rise of BIG CHUNGUS, 8 Terabytes, Distributions, The Culture of Twitch Videos, A Ride Down The Line, Packs and ROMs, Television and Dumps, A Secret Clubhouse, A Half a Petabyte, The Chungus Among Us, The Closed Future And The Bridgers, A Warm Thermos.
Ruminations of...
May 22, 2023
The Storage Reckoning Episode: Putting Off Forever,
Final Consolidations, The Big Sort, An Unpassable Box, The Nature
of Contents and Archives, The Plans and Possibilities, Where It All
Goes, The Lack of Guilt, Advice and Concerns, The Empty Future.
Thoughts on finally consolidating down to a single
storage unit again,...
May 19, 2023
The Laptop Loss Episode: A Eulogy For a Laptop, Largest
and Smallest, A Gift From Above, A Quirkly Little Partner, Memories
of the PC Convertible, Suspicious Activity, Presentations and
Podiums, Signs of Aging, A Secret Of Hard Drives, The Next
A eulogy for a laptop, brave travel companion, editor
of my...
May 15, 2023
The Remedial College Episode: A Chance to Reboot, Not Quite Rebooted, A Lot of Effort, Boston or Bust, 4.25 Years, Remedial College, 20 Candidates, Roommate Switch, Sketch, Three Teachers, A Couple Suspicious Moments, The Results, The 19 Plus One, A Final Improvement.
A rapidly fading memory of the really odd way I...