Aug 29, 2022
The TEXTFILES.COM Downtime Episode: A Strange
Voicemail, E-mails, Downtime!, Considering Loss, Host Loyalty, A
Simple Job, Bringing it Back, a Momentary Skip, The Meaning of It
All. Plus: Ignore the Letters
An article on the occasion of the unexpected downtime
of TEXTFILES.COM. Here is an interesting
situation for the...
Aug 8, 2022
The Secrets From The Future Episode: Fun But What About Projects, Faces in AI, MC Frontalot, Damien Hess, Focus and Exacting, A Midjourney Music Video, Key Phrases, Banned Words, Interesting Limits, Shipping to Frontalot, A Final Work, The Fake First. Also: QUESTION BEDTIME.
The tale of using my Midjourney account to...
Aug 1, 2022
The Midjourney Descent Episode: Where It All Goes Wrong,
The First Few Notes, What We've Already Changed, What Is Coming,
Nightmares and A Shifting Lens, The Role of the Artist, Drawing
People Wrong, What Art in Prompts.
What goes up, must come down - some thoughts on what
Midjourney and products like it could bring to...