Aug 15, 2020
The Ultimate BBS List Episode: 20 Years of The BBS List,
What Got Me Started, The Story Everyone Knows, The Story Less
People Know, The Contraption Inside, 1982 not 1983, Philosophy of
Complication, Where to Go From Here, The BBS List Forever.
An episode about the BBS List collection at BBSLIST.TEXTFILES.COM and what...
Aug 14, 2020
The Winding Conversation Episode: Watchmaking, My Pal
Chris Orcutt, Our 40 Years of Talking, A Marathon of Words,
Intertwined Lives, Podcast Jason, Chris' Typewriter, 15-50-80,
Advice To Turn a Final Chapter Into The Middle Of The Story.
Another podcast about my friend Chris Orcutt
( and our very...