Aug 29, 2021
The Waterfall of Plastic Episode: A Most Impressive
Uploading, The Various Focused Uploaders, ShivaShaw, Walnut Creek
and Wayzata, Niche, Rental Prices, Gigabytes, Half of all CDs, The
Obscure Ones, Tireless Effort, A Small Portal.
An episode shouting out Shiva Shaw, an unprecedented
uploader of CD-ROMs. A listing of...
Aug 27, 2021
The Deep Appreciation Episode: The Flow Of Items, The Modern Day Miracle, The Fun We Have, The Momentary Life of SItes, Inevitable Doom, Thanks and Correspondence, Drama and Decay, The Good in That, BBS Title Screen, A Day But Also Forever.
An episode about appreciating the day and the things we have instead of the...
Aug 3, 2021
The Workshop Episode: A Realization and Realignment, What I Specifically Do, The Joy of Sharing and Streaming, The Lessons and Conversations, My Three Potential Careers (And the One I Chose), Workshops, Planting Seeds.
Some ideas on where I might go next, as well as a look back on where I might have headed.