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Apr 11, 2020

The Nightmare Space Episode: A Nightmare Repeats, The Lost Great Space, The Museumsquartier, A Booth, Spaces I Have Known: L0pht CT Hackerspace, and Hack42, The Space of the Webpage, 1990s Net, Dreams From the Nightmares, Never Stop Dreaming.
The Museumsquatier website is at

It is a constantly changing and flowing location, and I don't know if the actual corridor I'm speaking of has a name, but you'll find plenty of inspiring aspects to it - definitely visit if you're ever in Vienna/Wein. 

The CT Hackerspace is at

Hack42 is over at

The results of the scanning at Hack42 so far is at

I wish I had a photo of that pyramid building off Route 9!  But I can't find a single record of it.